Tuesday 20 October 2015

Find a way to be a better you

Good Evening,

Most people, when they think of the word detox, think of harsh diets consisting of disgusting liquid meal replacements and crazy mood swings. The truth is that you don’t have to embark on some extreme elimination diet or fasting cleanse to start to detox your body. You can actually add detoxing as a regular part of your daily life, and not just while you are on a yoga or health retreat!

I am starting my new lifestyle with these small, but very powerful changes that will create a great foundation on which I hope to build a healthy life.

Below are five simple steps I make sure I accomplish each and every day;

Taking just five minutes to sit in silence before checking your phone or email in the morning will set the tone for your whole day. Focus on your breath, observing yourself inhaling and exhaling through your nose. I find it works really well with your eyes closed, focusing on your forehead, if that makes any sense.

Before you have your first tea or coffee, drink this wonderfully alkalising tonic made from juice, using 1/2 squeezed lemon, a tablespoon of honey and sprinkle of cayenne pepper in warm water. This is a detox tool that will change your life! the lemon actually helps to promote healthy digestion and boosts immunity.

Sounds obvious, but it’s easy to forget to drink water while we ingest lots of other types of liquids throughout the day, but the fact is nothing replaces the body’s need for pure water. Dehydration can lead us to think we are hungry or tired, but we’re really just thirsty from some H2O. When you’re feeling low energy, try drinking a large glass of room temperature water before reaching for your next cup of tea or coffee. I am finding this incredibly helpful as of late, especially when I'm up late with assignments thinking I'm hungry.

·     MOVE
Moving helps to flush toxins from the body. You don’t have to raise a sweat, even a stroll or a gentle yoga class has great restorative benefits and will leave you feeling inspired and your body glowing. Since starting back at the gym this year, I really make an effort to have PT classes with my trainer Alex at least 4 times a week. This includes legs, core and arms - always making sure I do compound movements to work my whole body. I am also doing yoga with my mum every Monday night, hopefully getting that up to 2 or 3 times a week and changing up my PT classes.

·     JUICE
Add one green juice or smoothie to your day—they’re packed with nutrients!  Research is showing that a lot of overeating comes from the body searching for nutrients while we down nutritionally empty over processed foods, so stop the cravings before they begin with a vitamin and mineral packed green juice.

I hope these easy guidelines help you on your journey; wherever it may take you !

With Love,
Bee x 

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